Endnu en opfindelse fra Sverige

Northe consists of a team of ambitious people with the mission to simplify your day-to-day charging experience.

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For nogle mennesker, er opladningen af bilen den værste del af turen. Man. Vil. Bare. Videre.

Vi forstår, og vi er enige. På den anden side, er opladningen en smuk ting I vores verden. Hvorfor? Fordi det er altid starten på et eventyr. Nogle gange en lille og kort oplevelse. Nogle gange et langt og stort eventyr.

Vi kan ikke gøre alt, men lige meget hvor du er, vil vi altid gøre vores bedste for at sikre opladningen til dit næste eventyr er så simpelt som muligt.

Vi elsker life-hacks

Northe is a Tech Startup founded in Stockholm by David Fauné, Stefano De Colli, and Tamas Hess in 2020.

Tamas was an early adopter of driving electric vehicles and quickly realised the complexity associated with electric charging for cars, and David had experience in the car industry. Together, they introduced Stefano to create a solution, and Northe was born.

Northe’s vision is to simplify the transition from fossil fuel-driven cars to electric, with an emphasis on the end-user. Northe provides individual drivers with an exceptional charging experience, companies with a platform that simplifies payments and administration, and charge point facilitators with the availability to integrate a payment solution for their stations.

Northe includes both public and semi-public charging locations in order to provide drivers with the option to charge at as many stations as possible and provide the user with a transparent overview of their charging history.

The company has been operating since January 2021 and is targeting the European EV market.

Vær en del af gruppen

Sammen med industrien, vokser vores virksomhed konstant. Vi er altid på udkig efter nyt talent som vi kan arbejde med.

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